Monday, January 13, 2020

Jungle Book- Movie poster compare

Image result for jungle book 2016Image result for jungle book 1967

                          2016                               VS                      1967                    

The 1967 film makes the audience feel as though the film is targeted towards the younger generation, as the 2016 film has more of a serious effect on it as there is a darker tint.

The way Disney have produced the 2016 movie, is with excellent CGI for the animals throughout the whole of the film. 

The colors used in the 1967 jungle book are very bright and vibrant, which is very appealing for any audience that go to see this. Unlike the 2016 movie where it makes the film look more dangerous and adventurous. Although it is still for kids, Disney have designed this poster to make it suit the genre that this fits into around this time of life.

The 2016 movie poster has been made to look very professional as the cast have been mentioned on the front and the text at the front is bold and gold, this will appeal lots of people who are going to watch the film. Unlike the 2016 poster, the 1967 poster has no other writing on it other than the title. This gives the audience more of a feel of what the movie will be like.

Daily Mail Front Cover evaluation

1) what was the task you were given and who was the target audience?

I was given a task to create my own version of the daily mail using up to date news, for example the flash flooding in the UK. My target audience for this newspaper would've been people in the demographic of B-D because there are adverts given away free holidays showing that this usually isn't sold to wealthier people.

2) What research did you undertake and what were some typical conventions of the Daily Mail?

I researched hard news such as flash flooding and the bush fires in Australia, and a lot of typical conventions i found were there is usually one hard and soft news taking up the majority of the front cover.

3) Which daily mail mail cover did you use for your main source?

I used the cover with Einstein because it showed a good proportion of hard to soft news

4)which areas did you find most challenging?

I found the details of each news article challenging as i ran out of ideas to talk about as i covered it all within a few paragraphs.

5) What was your initial feedback? What did others say?

I really liked my design for the newspaper as it really looked as though it was a professional print. Others in my class thought the same.

6) Identify what went well?

What went well was how i kept the proportion of hard to soft news very even like most daily mail covers hold.