Monday, March 23, 2020

Big issue comparison and Essay

  • Powerful white man who is in control of the world
  • North and South America are both shown on the world
  • The blue clear space around him shows that nobody is in distance of him, he's in his own world
  • The caption 'TRUMP WORLD' is in gold
  • The picture of Donald Trump suggests he is the main topic in this magazine
  • He is holding an American flag which suggests its going to be about Trump taking over America and the world
  • The fact that 'TRUMP WORLD' is in gold shows how rich and powerful he is compared to everyone else 
  • Donald Trump is an important figure through recent American times
  • The cover represents power over the world, and one person who feels as though he is in his own world 

  • The globe is in the centre of the cover showing that Trump is taking over the world or something of that sense
  •  'what's the WORST that could HAPPEN' is in white bold font
  • There is thunder in the background of the cover to represent hell or just destruction
  • Trump is flying on an Eagle like he is above everyone else in the world
  • Trump is in the middle meaning that this is all about him and how he is changing the world 
  •  Trumps head is very big, showing that he is too big for his shoes
  • 'worst' and 'happen' are in bold because they know something bad will happen eventually
  • Donald Trump is important but also could cause catastrophe in the future
  • The cover represents power over the world, and one person who feels as though he is in his own world 

  • Both magazine covers show Donald Trump to be an overpowered man of the world and nothing can seem to stop him

Explain how the representations in magazines reflect their contexts?

Representation in magazines, especially in the two covers that I covered reflects their contexts in a variety of different ways. Firstly, due to the fact that DR CAGES has been used massively in the representation, because Donald Trump has been shown as the power house of the world. There is only 1 person on there and that is a male. The big issue has made Gender an extreme point to make in this question as sexuality and gender has been shown to make men look like they can be the only powerful people who could take over the world, where as many women out there can do the same thing. The fact that the white ethnicity is the only ethnicity shown within these two front covers shows that they believe white power are more significant, but black people are as powerful if not more.

The places representation in these magazine covers are very significant to the contexts as the fact the big issue have placed the earth on both covers means that they are representing Donald Trump to be the king of the world, when they are actually representing him as a bad person who could make bad choices whilst he’s the president. Also as you can see from the second magazine that I analysed there is thunder in the background which could represent hell on even just him destroying the world with his ideas. This could influence people to hate him and go against him in what he does. These magazines have a huge impact on what is actually going to happen with famous celebrities such as Trump because with millions of magazines going around the world annually, there are a lot such as the 2 big issue covers I analysed that represent Trump as someone who could ruin the planet.

A lot of magazines tend to show upper class celebrities such as Trump or Markel because they are the most powerful of all, and this could interact a lot more people into the magazine. This makes people think about the context of the magazine and what is actually happening. As I said before hand about the world being shown on the big issue covers, they don’t specify any specific regions of the world, this could cause catastrophic events around the world if Trump feels as though he can take over the world because people feel as though they shouldn’t be overruled by someone who feels as if he’s on top the world.

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