Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Counter types of representation - DR CAGES


Most women are calm and gentle when it comes to them facing men, but in this advert the counterype shows that they are more powerful than the emperor, although they are prisoners. This makes the main stream media to think women are powerful and can do anything they want to even if they cant.

This ad shows that women of any age can stand up to do anything, many people wouldn't think of them doing what they do in this ad.

This magazine cover shows how powerful women are now, and the fact that Zendaya is the cover of the magazine who is a super upcoming star/actor, shows everyone that any woman can make it from whatever background, all you need is hard effort and determination.
The fact that the poster says 100% made by women shows that they aren't scared to show their strengths and they know how powerful they can actually be.

Image result for gender equality magazine

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