Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Textual Analysis

Boyz In The Hood

Boyz in the hood is set in America in the hood in the late 90's, showing people what live was like as a kid back then. Most of the film is about the younger generation growing up and learning what its like to live in the hood. The theme that is used mainly in this film is crime because the danger that the kids don't realize they are in for most of the film is mainly set around crime.

 Many characters that are shown in the film are black boys and girls who are witnessing fights daily and they realize that that is what they are going to be living with for the rest of their childhood.

A lot of long shots have been used in this film to show vulnerability for the kids when they are walking on their own through the rough streets of the hood. The sound in the film shows that there is alot of danger in the area because of the police sirens constantly going off in the background, this shows that there is constantly crime daily in the hood.

The editing used in this clip of boyz in the hood where at the start they edited a black screen with facts about the amount of people that die each year.

The sound used in Boyz in the Hood makes the setting seem like a very dangerous place where nobody would like to go, this is because you can constantly hear police sirens in the background which shows that the neighbourhood that the kids are living in isn’t suitable for them and they have to learn to grow up there. The camera shots used in the scene with the kids in the street are all long shots, this shows vulnerability towards the children because they don’t fully understand their surroundings yet and what may happen to them. The music in the background of the scenes shows how enthusiastic the kids are in that neighbourhood and that it puts people’s minds off of the police sirens that are constantly going on in the streets. The kids voices in the film sound as if they are part of a gang, this is influenced by who they are around, because if you watch the scene in the classroom the two kids who fight each other actually swear at each other yet they are like 10 years old. This makes the audience who are viewing this feel as if the children in the film are being brainwashed to become like their parents or whoever they see on the streets.

Each separate character in the film betrays their own characteristics when watching it, for example the two kids who fight at school are obviously the ones who don’t care and want to grow up like their fellow neighbours. You can see this by their facial expressions that they show. The lighting throughout that scene is very bright which has been to make the audience feel better for what is about to happen.

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