Friday, December 13, 2019

300 word newspaper answer

Write a 300 word answer on how your newspaper targets its audience? Use PEAL as a paragraph structure

The daily mail targets its audiences in a very specific way. As you can see from the front cover is talking about the environment and celebrity gossip, clearly they are not interested in attracting people who are interested in hard news. As you can see from the top of the article where it says ‘FREE’ shows the audience that they care about them and they know that the majority who read this newspaper are demographic C-E, so they are promoting things for people to apply for to get for free. The colours used on this paper are very appealing to the readers because they use a variety of vibrant colours.
When I was talking about the soft news all on the front, inside the newspaper I have found a variety of hard news articles which means that they are pulling in people who don’t care about politics and then they end up reading it, and some people end up enjoying it. This is a good way of getting people to read it who are into a bunch of different categories in soft and hard news.

The bold black writing in the middle, takes up the majority of the paper, this is to get the audience involved straight away with the celebrity gossip that is going down in the world, and to push people away from all the stressful hard news that is happening at the moment.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

News Values

C- Continuity / Currency - Stories that already joined the news that continue the news

U- Unambiguous - easy to understand

P- Personalisation - include human interest

P- Proximity - Stories that are closer to home

T- Threshold - the bigger the impact and reach of the story

U- Unexpectedness - an event that is a shock or out ordinary

N- Negativity - bad news is more interesting

E- Elite Person / Persons - stories about important people / places

Friday, November 15, 2019

News Representation

The sun is very rarely known for putting serious hard news on the front cover of the newspaper, but because the events of the London riots had got out of control, most newspapers in the UK had this on the front to make people aware of what they were causing to the public.

newspaper article review

In this newspaper article review i talk through the guardian and what news is trending at the moment nationally and locally.


Tuesday, November 12, 2019



There will be 4 questions on newspapers around LIAR

3 X 10 marks and 1 X 15 marks ( 45 marks)

Types of newspaper
Mid market tabloids

Hard news - politics and serious events
Soft news- Celebrity and game shows

Mid-Market tabloids
Daily mail likes the royal family but dont have a soft spot for Meghan Markle

The text on daily mail is very fancy and the value is high and traditional 

Typography - Dramatic headlines in large font


Wednesday, October 16, 2019


Natural Born Killers FIlm

Stuart Hall

Reception theory as developed by Stuart Hall asserts that media texts are encoded and decoded. ... Stuart Hall states that audience members adopt one of the following three positions when they decode the text: Dominant, or Preferred Reading - how the producer wants the audience to view the media text.

-People would think that being a serial killer is fun and you get noticed
-Other people would feel like it may be adventurous although you will end up getting life sentence in prison.
-Being a serial killer is awful and no matter what happens you will end your life because you have nothing to live for

George Gerbner

Cultivation theory suggests that repeated exposure to television over time can subtly 'cultivates' viewers' perceptions of reality. George Gerbner theorized that TV is a medium of the socialization of most people into standardized roles and behaviors

Albert Bandura

Social Learning Theory, theorized by Albert Bandura, posits that people learn from one another, via observation, imitation, and modeling. The theory has often been called a bridge between behaviorist and cognitive learning theories because it encompasses attention, memory, and motivation.

Steve Neale

Steve Neale states that genres all contain instances of repetition and difference, difference is essential to the to the economy of the genre. Neale states that the film and it's genre is defined by two things: How much is conforms to its genre's individual conventions and stereotypes

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Textual Analysis

Boyz In The Hood

Boyz in the hood is set in America in the hood in the late 90's, showing people what live was like as a kid back then. Most of the film is about the younger generation growing up and learning what its like to live in the hood. The theme that is used mainly in this film is crime because the danger that the kids don't realize they are in for most of the film is mainly set around crime.

 Many characters that are shown in the film are black boys and girls who are witnessing fights daily and they realize that that is what they are going to be living with for the rest of their childhood.

A lot of long shots have been used in this film to show vulnerability for the kids when they are walking on their own through the rough streets of the hood. The sound in the film shows that there is alot of danger in the area because of the police sirens constantly going off in the background, this shows that there is constantly crime daily in the hood.

The editing used in this clip of boyz in the hood where at the start they edited a black screen with facts about the amount of people that die each year.

The sound used in Boyz in the Hood makes the setting seem like a very dangerous place where nobody would like to go, this is because you can constantly hear police sirens in the background which shows that the neighbourhood that the kids are living in isn’t suitable for them and they have to learn to grow up there. The camera shots used in the scene with the kids in the street are all long shots, this shows vulnerability towards the children because they don’t fully understand their surroundings yet and what may happen to them. The music in the background of the scenes shows how enthusiastic the kids are in that neighbourhood and that it puts people’s minds off of the police sirens that are constantly going on in the streets. The kids voices in the film sound as if they are part of a gang, this is influenced by who they are around, because if you watch the scene in the classroom the two kids who fight each other actually swear at each other yet they are like 10 years old. This makes the audience who are viewing this feel as if the children in the film are being brainwashed to become like their parents or whoever they see on the streets.

Each separate character in the film betrays their own characteristics when watching it, for example the two kids who fight at school are obviously the ones who don’t care and want to grow up like their fellow neighbours. You can see this by their facial expressions that they show. The lighting throughout that scene is very bright which has been to make the audience feel better for what is about to happen.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Counter types of representation - DR CAGES


Most women are calm and gentle when it comes to them facing men, but in this advert the counterype shows that they are more powerful than the emperor, although they are prisoners. This makes the main stream media to think women are powerful and can do anything they want to even if they cant.

This ad shows that women of any age can stand up to do anything, many people wouldn't think of them doing what they do in this ad.

This magazine cover shows how powerful women are now, and the fact that Zendaya is the cover of the magazine who is a super upcoming star/actor, shows everyone that any woman can make it from whatever background, all you need is hard effort and determination.
The fact that the poster says 100% made by women shows that they aren't scared to show their strengths and they know how powerful they can actually be.

Image result for gender equality magazine

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Diagetic/ Non-Diagetic
Off Screen / On Screen
Voice over

The music that is used in this training scene is mainly parallel to what is actually happening in the film, and the other sounds that you hear like the hitting of the fists or tires against the body are all diagetic shots because you can see what you hear when the shot is being taken. The main music is non-diagetic because it has been placed over the scene to show that he is slowly becoming more of a fighter the more training he does, and towards the end the music sounds as though he is a god and nobody can defeat him.
There are mainly on screen moments, you very rarely see or hear anything happening off screen during this scene.
The emotions shown in this clip show determination and hard work towards what he wants to achieve in his life, and by the end of the clip you can see that he has done that, from that music that you hear parallel to the scene.
Throughout the clip the lack of dialogue is very important because it shows that he doesn't want anyone to bother him, it shows that he just wants to get on with his work and what he is doing. The only dialogue in this scene is from his coach telling him not to give up and that he can do it if he believes. He then stands up and the rest is history.

Friday, September 13, 2019


Connotation- What we understand from this image (What other meanings it has)
Denotation- What we see when we look at an image (What it is)

Image result for film poster
I can see from this movie poster Beauty And The Beast that are there two different sides to the film. As seen at the top of the poster there is a princess and a Beast, this shows that they love each other but because they have their backs to each other they cant get together because of how different they are. The two men underneath them are wearing very contrasting colours, red and gold show that one of the men may be evil and the other could be the one to save the day and get beauty and the beast together. The fact that they've set the castle as the main setting shows that they are royalty throughout the film, with the castle faded in the background shows that towards the back of the film that will pay a huge roll in what will happen between everyone.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Film Poster

Image result for film posters 2019

S- The setting from the film, Captain Marvel that you can see from the  poster is mainly space but there are also a few hints of earth, so this shows that the film will be switching between the two because of the characters that are shown on the poster
T- Good vs Evil,
I- The costumes and the props used in this film are very futuristic compared to many other action and sci-fi films, for example the laser guns that are used are very important in attracting people to watch because it gives the sci-fi side to the film interesting.
C- The costumes used are very futuristic and this will appeal many audiences because sci-fi is a huge hitting genre nowadays in film industries and the face paints and masks also show a really interesting glimpse of space and imagination.

Summer Work

Task 1

Task 2

In the Deutschland 83 trailer the director/producer makes certain decisions for the trailer, this is a key part of media studies because this allows the audience to focus on key elements of the film such as actors, lighting and setting. In the scene where the man is jumping from the balcony, it shows a very short glimpse of his face which would interest the audience into knowing who it actually is, also the setting that it is in compared to the rest of the trailer is very modern and in date. This shows that there is a wide variety of scenes in the movie just from one short clip in the trailer. As you can see in the scene the director has set it as a dark scene because they want the audience to really get a feel of what is happening so they concentrate more on the trailer. The costumes at certain points in the trailer as well, interest many people because there is a wide range of clothing throughout it, the director has done this because it means the media will interact with the viewers and tell them that it is worth watching, they do this because it isn’t dull and boring. Every part of a trailer is vital in how it looks and sounds because the media are right on your tail if there is something wrong, this will give a negative view towards the film. The camera angles that are shown throughout the scene on the balcony interests many people because it makes it seem as if there may be a lot of effort and time put into many of the scenes, which over time will make people want to watch the trailer and get more interest towards the film. The props that are used in the trailer are very old fashioned and the majority are linked with war and fighting, this shows that the director has a variety of ideas which all link together, this shows the media that the trailer has many good features to it and this will attract the attention of a lot of people. The most important parts of trailers are the editing of it, this is what attracts many people to watch the film, and it Deutschland 83 the editing has been completed extremely well and organised. The use of the voice over the top of the trailer with faint music shows that the film could be very tense and could pull many viewers in. The lack of makeup in the trailer makes the audience feel as if they are really experiencing it in first person and this could really make a huge impact on the media because it will show that none of the film is fake and it was all done without effects.

Task 3 

Image result for are you beach body ready

Image result for this girl can
In ‘are you beach body ready’ the poster makes a lot of people feel ashamed of themselves because of their ethnicity, size or even sexuality, this is because the woman on the poster makes you feel as though you should look like that to be accepted and to show your body in public.
In ‘this girl can’ it doesn’t show any picture of what you should look like, it just tells women that they can do what they want. This is what most people are comfortable with seeing because it doesn’t make them worry about their ethnicity, size, age or sexuality. This makes you believe that you can do anything no matter what you look like.

Task 4

1  1)  By the meaning of ‘BIG SIX` we are talking about the top six film industries in the world that make the biggest grossing movies every year  
This will soon become the ‘BIG FIVE` because Walt Disney are buying 20th century fox, so fox will no longer           be its own company, it will be known and fox Disney.
    2) The big six are the following – 20TH century fox, Paramount pictures, Colombia pictures, Warner Bros, Universal pictures and Walt Disney Pictures.

What each of the industries own:
Walt Disney- ABC, Marvel Comics, ESPN, LucasFilm
Colombia Pictures-
Paramount Pictures-
 Warner Bros- TNT, HBO, Turner Broadcasting System
Universal Pictures- NBC universal
20th century Fox- parent company is DISNEY

     3)   Walt Disney
Aladdin- The budget for this film was $183 Million

Fast and Furious(Hobbs and Shaw) – The budget for this film was $200 million

Warner Bros
Aquaman – The budget for this film was $160 million

Terminator(dark fate) – The budget for this film was $160-200 million

Spider man far from home- The budget for this film was $160 million

20th century fox

Dark Phoenix – The budget for this film was $200 million

Friday, September 6, 2019

Mood Board

My favorite 9 of the forms in Media

Television - Friends
Image result for friends

Music Video - See You Again

Radio - Capital FM
Image result for capital fm

Advertising - Cadbury's
Film - Olympus Has Fallen

Image result for olympus has fallen

Internet - Sky Sports
Image result for sky sports

Newspapers - THE SUN
Image result for the sun

Magazines - Sports
Image result for football magazine

Video Games - Rainbow Six Siege

Youtube Video

Introduction to Media - Use HTML to import a youtube video (See you again - Charlie Puth)

In this music video the camera uses many panoramic views to entice the audience, which a lot of faded scenes as well which switch between the movie and the song, this gives the music video a lot of meaning and thought behind it. The lack of makeup worn throughout the music video shows that the lack of care towards what they looked like was slim and they only wanted to do a good song for Paul Walker and the fans. The costumes used in this was very basic, they just went with suits and very smart clothing to honor the late Paul Walker.